Organic Revolution Program
We Welcome those farmers to being a part of our Organic Revolution Program. Who are intended and ambitious for the organic farmings. Following are the main features in this aspect.
- Focus to motivate more and more farmers to adopt organic farmings as per NPOP, NOP, and Other organic standards.
- Farmer's training and skill development programs regarding organics.
- Support for making soil health cards which help to nutrients & crop plannings accordingly.
- Replacement of inorganic inputs by certified bio supplements, jeevamrat (cow dung & urine-based enriched input) etc.
- Provide help to suggest and use natural/organic pesticides to prevent harmful pests, insects, and disease control.
- Insisting farmers to come under the certification process with natural organic farming practices and value addition of products that's an Organic Revolution Program.
- Promote the use of agriculture mechanism, micro-irrigation systems for the big savings of water, energy, labor as well as smart use of bio inputs.
- Bring awareness regarding the use of fresh natural/organic products in our lifestyle and alertness of the dark side of using inorganic chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides.
Farmers /Grower groups who are doing or willing to organic farming may contact us to become the part of orgrain family and market linkage to their organic products.