Benifit highlights
शतपत्री तरूण्युक्ता कणिकां चारूकेशरा ।
महाकुमारी गन्धाड्या लाक्षापुष्पाऽतिमंजुला।।
शतपत्री हिमा हृधा ग्राहिणी शुक्रला लघुः।
दोषत्रयास्त्रजिद्वण्र्या कंपनी तिक्ता च पांचनी।।
- भाव प्रकाश
Shatpatri, Taruni, Karnika, Charukeshra, Mahakumari, Gandhaheya, Lakshapushpa, and Atimanjula are synonyms of rose.
It is cold, good for the heart, light enhances semen, and good for managing blood disorders. It is good for complexion and having a pungent and bitter taste. Reference
- Bhavprakash

Healthy Hygenic Homely
Powerful antioxidant and tissue rejuvenator
Reduce acidity in stomach
Strengthens teeth and gums
Good for digestion